Monday, November 15, 2010

Quote - Information - Thoughts - Help me figure out what to do...

Interesting Quote:

Adolphe Monod (1802-1856) "The greatest influence on earth whether for good or for evil, is possessed by woman. Lets us study the history of by-gone ages, the state of barbarism and civilizations; of the east and the west; of Paganism and Christianity; of antiquity and the middle ages; of the medieval and modern times; and we shall find that there is nothing which more decidedly separates them than the condition of woman..."


Also quite a few months ago I was asked about putting an email alert on the blog. I have asked Andrew and he will be home long enough this time to show me how to do that. So hopefully, we will in the near future have this feature attached to the blog and comments so you can get updates.

Additionally, I know I owe a list of books which I am currently going through that is helping me learn about the modern women's movement, women and church, and women of the bible in general. I have picked up quite a few books and will try and compile a list for all.

Finally, this last year and a half has been very difficult for me personally. I am self diagnosing myself as depressed (thanks webmd). Although, I think admittance is probably the first step and hopefully means I am on my way to recovery. I also think if you can still laugh about the situation that is also a good sign. Okay I am hoping and my fingers are crossed. I will share where I think I am at in the next blog post or so. I want to apologize that the information I was hoping to learn and soak up seems to be coming much slower then it did in the beginning. I am working hard to learn what I don't know as it seems my knowledge base is quite shallow.


At this point in time I want to let the world know that I am trying. I see too many inequalities and too many young girls going down the same expected path. I see young men get caught in between what the church says and what the world says. I see that both women and men are struggling to find meaning, purpose, understanding, and acceptance.

I will not apologize that I am first and foremost a child of God and my Christianity defines who I am, which means that dealing with women in the Christian church is a priority and something I can not remove myself. I do believe this world needs to encourage all people to find ways to live with mutual respect. Highlighting the amazing talents, gifts, world views, perspectives, expectations, and challenges we all bring to the table. I want the history of what is a legacy to young women to change, but never at the cost of others.

Let me know what you would like to read on this blog. I will try and do my best. Let me know what I can do to get serious about this passion that is swelling up inside of me. I don't know what to do... I am at a loss... and I don't want to quit as so many have done before as I have done before...

Help me figure this thing out...


Anonymous said...

You could be burned out with all the responsibilities you have.
That is tiring & therefore depressing.
Are you getting enough exercise? Do you get out in the sun? I have to get sunshine which has helped fight depression. Also take high doses of Vitamin D3. Do you have someone to talk to regularly about certain issues?
There are no simplistic answers, but you have many sympathetic friends!

Nathalie A. said...

i want you to know that you rock!!!!

Nathalie A. said...


thanks for the update on the email alert thingy. i look forward to that. also the topics on which you write about, especially the the thought provoking ones, the weird ones, the ones in the margin and in tension, the questions that you pose and and when you share your thoughts on topics are the ones i enjoy most.

for instance the one on what is feminism? feminist? can one be christian and a feminist?

so keep on doing what you're doing, feel confident in the path you're moving, even if you don't know where it leads, knowing that you are putting full faith and trust in God to lead you, knowing that God is giving you the skill to forge a way.

much love,


ps. other topic suggestions:

general christian response to crimes against lgbt people- whether violence/bullying, etc
or the lack of response for that matter

sharing some of your work experiences as a woman and how you handled them (sexist and otherwise)

revelations God maybe sharing with you if any

i usually like reading whatever you're interested in, the enthusiasm shines through

Nathalie A. said...

take your passion to God. what would you like to do with this passion about women and christinity and feminism and inequality and empowerment? figure that out and then do it. take the steps big or small in that direction comitting everything to God. and soon enough you'll have something. its the risk, the dare, to step out and pursue your passion or dream or however you may call and God may have given you an outlet and more flexiblity to do so.

what r ur thoughts?
